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McCrometer, Inc. Announces New Flow Straightener Design

Hemet, Calif. – February 4th, 2019 – McCrometer, Inc., a globally recognized flow meter manufacturer, recently announced the launch of their newest product, the FS200 flow straightener.

The flow straightener product alleviates turbulence in the pipeline caused by obstructions like elbows and Ts, a common problem for many flow measurement devices. Turbulence in the pipeline can cause flow meters to produce highly inaccurate readings, a problem for most users whose flow management decision-making depends on accuracy and repeatability.

McCrometer’s FS100 flow straightener, the original product of its kind, virtually eliminates the downstream and upstream straight pipe runs typically required in existing flow meter applications.

“The FS100 is a great product fit for our customers in agriculture and turf irrigation, to the point where McCrometer received requests for flow straighteners that fit larger line sizes without compromising ease of installation,” explains Aimee Davis, Product Manager for propeller meters. “McCrometer had a unique engineering challenge to tackle that would be a lasting solution for our customer base. The new FS200 flow straightener accomplishes that goal.”

The FS200 has a patented design that works for larger line sizes and prevents the need for large pipeline cutouts for product entry during installation, an engineering feat that allows for complete sealing after installation.

“I recommend the FS200 flow straightener because it is a bulletproof solution for farmers who need to meter, but don’t want to redo their piping to increase straight-run,” comments Ken Seim of Seim Ag Technology. “It saves money and time while helping to ensure accuracy.”

The FS200 joins its predecessor the FS100 as part of McCrometer’s comprehensive product suite, and is currently available to the market. For more information on McCrometer meters and flow straighteners, or to request a quote, visit   

About McCrometer: McCrometer’s advanced flow measurement solutions solve complex challenges in agricultural irrigation, municipal and industrial water & wastewater, oil and gas, process control, power generation and institutional facilities. McCrometer high-performance products and systems are found in thousands of installations worldwide, proudly exceeding many of the world’s most demanding industrial, safety and quality standards. For more information, visit

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