McCrometer Configuration Tool Updates
This page provides a comprehensive record of all updates to the McCrometer Configuration Tool, including descriptions of changes, affected components, and developer notes. Click on each version to learn more about the enhancements and fixes, and download the corresponding update package.
Patch Notes: |
- FC2 users can now change serial number by clicking on the serial number box and entering a new value, they will then need to restart application.
- PCGO and PCMax users will need change serial number by text command in the diagnostics tab.
- AMI key code is generated via e serial number now.
- 4-20 scale high/low (both channels), Fwd/Rev pulse, Fwd/Rev pulse width, ami tag#, data tag# boxes now have a pop up input dialog box to change their values.
- Users are now able to change serial number, fwd/rev pulse enable, and 4-20 enable in text command box in diagnostics tab.
Download File: |
McCrometer-Configuration-Tool-v1.00.28 |
Patch Notes: |
- Added HART daughter card compatibility for PCMax.
- Detecting HART daughter card makes the second channel 4-20 options visible.
- Fixed bug in which labels were being cropped.
- Updated AMI page to have AMI mode and AMI protocol dropdowns.
- Setting AMI mode to STX will make AMI protocol dropdown invisible.
Download File: |
McCrometer-Configuration-Tool-v1.00.25 |