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EM950 Portable Velocity Sensor for FH950

EM950 Portable Velocity Sensor for FH950
Series: EM950
Unit Price Contact McCrometer

Maintenance-free electromagnetic sensor

Available with either Velocity or Velocity and Level capabilities, the EM950 electromagnetic sensor has no moving parts and never requires mechanical maintenance, making it one of the lowest maintenance solutions on the market

Accurate even in difficult monitoring sites with smart sensor capabilities

With an innovative and compact sensor shape with intelligently-designed flow characteristics, the EM950 sensor delivers reliable measurements at low velocities, in very shallow water, and in turbulent flow conditions. It even takes accurate readings in sediment, weed or organic debris-choked water. Plus, with an optional pressure cell for automatic level measurement and sensor positioning, the Hach EM950 sensor with FH950 hand-held meter is known for having as much brain as it has brawn.

Effortless Design

Compact and ergonomically shaped, making it easier to install in tight spaces and less prone to clogging or buildup

Minimum Sensor Fouling

The sensor maintains its accuracy and reliability, especially in environments with challenging flow conditions, such as wastewater or industrial processes.

What's in the box?

1 each portable velocity/depth sensor


Accuracy: ± 2% of reading ± 0.05 ft/s (± 0.015 m/s) through the range of 0 - 10 ft/s (0 - 3.04 ms/s); ± 4% of reading from 10 - 16 ft/s (3.04 - 4.87 m/s)
DEPTH The larger of ±2% of reading or ±0.504 in (0.015 m). Steady state temperature and static non-flowing water.
Cable Length: Options from 6.5 to 100 ft
Probe Type: Velocity
Range: 0 - +20
What's included?: 1 each portable velocity/depth sensor